Friday, August 23, 2013


Sooooooo....... Am I allowed to "start over"? Haha! OMG I don't even want to talk about the sins I have committed the past two weeks. And by sins, I mean almost no exercise and lots of eating. Sigh. Like... It was bad. And to make me feel even better, I went to the doctor Wednesday and the scale said 128.8 lbs. Last September I had gotten down to 119. Meh. Granted, that was before my thyroid surgery and I knew I had been gaining weight on and off because of that, but it's still a bummer. I have a small frame so even a two lb gain is noticeable on me. But good news. I got a refill for my thyroid medication and will pick that up next week. The doctor didn't bump up my dose which is super annoying, but I think he will once I annoy the crap out of him about it. Yesterday was my birthday and manlover got me lots of amazing goodies, including am Oreo ice cream cake. WHAT! We demolished it. But we made a promise to ourselves... From here until the wedding we will be the biggest health freaks alive so we can be in great shape. It's only about a month away, but I think I can definitely lose at least 5 lbs before then so I can fit comfortably in my wedding dress haha. So today I ran a mile to get my heart rate up (8:45 min time!) and did about 40 mins of weights. Tomorrow morning at 6am I am flying home for the weekend for my bridal shower and it should be super fun. I'm going to try and eat just my favorite foods, and only small portions and not inhale everything. I'm really excited to see my friends that I haven't seen since May! Alrighty, well I haven't showered yet and I need to get ready for work. I'll write more this weekend!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Week Two Training

Wow. Okaaaay. So the end of last week did not end so smoothly. Let's just say I did a run on Friday that kinda kicked my butt (3.03 mil - 38 min) and after that it went downhill. Saturday my manlover took treated me with a wonderful adventure day in Syracuse, and that involved A LOT of unhealthy, but delicious food. We went to Dinosaur Bar-b-q which was on an episode of Diners, Dive-Ins, & Dives, so of course we had to check it out. So worth it. I'm from NC (which I like to boast about having some of the best bar-b-q around), and that was definitely the best bar-b-q I've EVER had. Then we adventured to the huge mall they have and had a great time getting lost in a mirror maze, shopping, eating funfetti cupcakes, and topping it off with drinks and apps at Toby Keith's I Love This Bar & Grill. Needless to say it was lots of fun, but it was my demise. I don't even want to talk about the lack of exercising and food I consumed for 3 days. It was not pretty.

Monday - 8.5.13
I managed to run/walk 3.64 miles in 40:34 mins. My average pace was 11:08 mins/mile. I didn't eat all that great, but Adam and I went and finally stocked up on healthy groceries since we both had the day off. Yay! Adam was also sweet enough to surprise me with a new Kinect game, Dance Central 3, so I can't wait to try it out as a workout add-on.

Tuesday - 8.7.13 - Rest
I ate really healthy, but didn't get a workout in. I had to work camp from 8am-4:30pm and decided to eat dinner before my workout. Well that never happened. I passed out around 6pm for a "quick" nap and somehow managed to not wake up until 5am on Wednesday haha. WHAT?! I would say camp wore me out, but this sleepiness plus other instances are definitely pointing to my thyroid issues. I really need my medicine bumped up and my August 21st appointment can't come soon enough!

Wednesday - 8.8.13
Did a 6am run, whoo-hoo! I always love early runs. The weather is cooler and I always manage to see turkeys, deer, and a pretty sunrise. I think I might start trying to make my early runs even earlier though because all the soldiers are also driving to PT or work when I start running and the roads can get pretty busy.
Good Morning Bambi!

Thursday - 8.8.13
Today was a great day for my workout. I have been feeling a little pain in my shins, so I decided I need to start training on the gym treadmill more often. I made whole wheat pancakes for manlover this morning before he went to work (I'm such a sweet wife) and ate 3 hard boiled eggs myself. Then I ran and did some upper body weights afterwards.
5 miles - 56:23
25 mins - Upper body weight lifting

Friday - 8.9.13
Rest day. My body is achy. Last night I had horrible cravings for food and gave in :(:(:( I had a small bowl of nachos at work, bagel & cream cheese after work, , a few bites of pound cake, some waffle crunch cereal, and yeah... just unnecessary stuff. Ugh. Oh well. I'm trying to get better.