Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Week Two Training

Wow. Okaaaay. So the end of last week did not end so smoothly. Let's just say I did a run on Friday that kinda kicked my butt (3.03 mil - 38 min) and after that it went downhill. Saturday my manlover took treated me with a wonderful adventure day in Syracuse, and that involved A LOT of unhealthy, but delicious food. We went to Dinosaur Bar-b-q which was on an episode of Diners, Dive-Ins, & Dives, so of course we had to check it out. So worth it. I'm from NC (which I like to boast about having some of the best bar-b-q around), and that was definitely the best bar-b-q I've EVER had. Then we adventured to the huge mall they have and had a great time getting lost in a mirror maze, shopping, eating funfetti cupcakes, and topping it off with drinks and apps at Toby Keith's I Love This Bar & Grill. Needless to say it was lots of fun, but it was my demise. I don't even want to talk about the lack of exercising and food I consumed for 3 days. It was not pretty.

Monday - 8.5.13
I managed to run/walk 3.64 miles in 40:34 mins. My average pace was 11:08 mins/mile. I didn't eat all that great, but Adam and I went and finally stocked up on healthy groceries since we both had the day off. Yay! Adam was also sweet enough to surprise me with a new Kinect game, Dance Central 3, so I can't wait to try it out as a workout add-on.

Tuesday - 8.7.13 - Rest
I ate really healthy, but didn't get a workout in. I had to work camp from 8am-4:30pm and decided to eat dinner before my workout. Well that never happened. I passed out around 6pm for a "quick" nap and somehow managed to not wake up until 5am on Wednesday haha. WHAT?! I would say camp wore me out, but this sleepiness plus other instances are definitely pointing to my thyroid issues. I really need my medicine bumped up and my August 21st appointment can't come soon enough!

Wednesday - 8.8.13
Did a 6am run, whoo-hoo! I always love early runs. The weather is cooler and I always manage to see turkeys, deer, and a pretty sunrise. I think I might start trying to make my early runs even earlier though because all the soldiers are also driving to PT or work when I start running and the roads can get pretty busy.
Good Morning Bambi!

Thursday - 8.8.13
Today was a great day for my workout. I have been feeling a little pain in my shins, so I decided I need to start training on the gym treadmill more often. I made whole wheat pancakes for manlover this morning before he went to work (I'm such a sweet wife) and ate 3 hard boiled eggs myself. Then I ran and did some upper body weights afterwards.
5 miles - 56:23
25 mins - Upper body weight lifting

Friday - 8.9.13
Rest day. My body is achy. Last night I had horrible cravings for food and gave in :(:(:( I had a small bowl of nachos at work, bagel & cream cheese after work, , a few bites of pound cake, some waffle crunch cereal, and yeah... just unnecessary stuff. Ugh. Oh well. I'm trying to get better.

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