Sunday, July 28, 2013

Let's Do This

So yesterday I decided I'm really going to stay committed to my new training routine I have planned. I managed to run 3 miles without stopping, but the last mile was touch and go. The sun was pretty brutal and the hills got the best of me. But I'm proud that I managed to run 3 miles! A few years ago I couldn't even run 300 feet, much less a few miles. Anywho, I'm off today so I've just been kind of laying around until I get the energy to take a longer run today. My hubby boothang manfriend (my husband - I have many nicknames for him) just asked me to bring him something to work. I was about to hop in my car and drive over to the fire station , buuuuuut... I have the crazy notion to run/walk it over to him.

But it's a 9.3 mile trek there & back.

And 1000% hot humid air.

And it literally just started raining.


I guess this is a good time to test my commitment huh? Haha. I could easily just drive to the gym and run on the treadmill there, but it's SO BORING. I'm dreading when winter comes here and there's 3 feet of snow and I can't do a darn tootin thing outside. Some of you may say "Hey, I run in the snow!" But this southern, flip flop wearing, warm weather lover does NOT do unnecessary snow adventures. I've only experienced 3 ft snow about twice in my life. I was not happy. But I digress...

So I think I'm going to get dressed, get my pre workout snack on, and see where my lovely sneakers take me. To the car or the road. I'll let you know how it goes...
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Well I'm back. And pooped. But I feel very accomplished! I definitely would not say that was my best workout ever, but I'm happy with the distance. I started out just playing Dance Central on fitness mode on our Kinect, but it started clearing up outside so I quickly turned it off and headed out the door.

Mile 1 - Whoohoo! I'm walking, I'm walking, Zipadeedooda, I'm a walking machine! I even skipped a little. Don't judge me.
Mile 2 - Horrific foot cramp. Seriously? I can walk for days, what gives? I pushed through it and it subsided about 80% the rest of the workout.
Mile 5 - By this point I had been rained on, stepped in mud puddles, passed by 2 dead skunks and 1 dead porcupine goblin hybrid creature, and walked uphill against the wind most of the way; but Hallelujah I was there! Now after giving Adam his stuff, it was time to... dum dum DUM - not walk, but RUN back!

I probably ran about 4 miles total, but halfway back I was gassing out pretty bad and popped in a gas station to grab a Powerade. I totally spaced out and maybe kind of sorta drank the whole thing in about .5 seconds flat. Stomach cramp now - oy vey. This run was never going to end. But after 9.3 miles, I made it back and the last 3 miles were in beautiful weather. And some awesome songs came on to pump me up til the finish!

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